Thursday, 17 November 2016

Quality Silica Gel for Better Moisture Control

Silica Gel - An Introduction

We all are familiar with Silica Gel in our day-to-day lives. They can mostly be seen in the packets containing our various purchases like electronic goods, leather items and food products. The main reason behind placing Silica Gel sachets along side packed products is to ensure that all the moisture present in the closed spaces will not damage the goods inside.

Silica Gel is usually available in beads, balls and granular format. The biggest plus point of using Silica Gel is that it acts as a desiccant and controls the humidity levels in the atmosphere.

The Silica Gel desiccant can be classified into the following categories- Type A, Type B, and Type C. All these types are translucent and have multiple pores for better absorption. The three types have a wide range of uses like liquid adsorbents, catalyst carrier and drier among others.

Silica Gel for Effective Moisture Control

The main use of Silica Gel, as mentioned above, is for effective removal of humidity from packages. For this purpose, Silica Gel is often graded into different colors, depending on its use. The most commonly used types are Silica Gel Blue, Silica Gel Orange, Silica Gel White, and Silica Gel Green. The colour change in these Indicating Silica Gel is due to the presence of materials like cobalt chloride, which act as the moisture indicators.

All these types of Silica Gel desiccant change color as they absorb moisture. This color change is a good indicator of how much moisture has been absorbed. It will also indicate when the Silica Gel desiccant is completely saturated and thus needs to be replaced. Placing a indicating Silica Gel (as they are known in the market) in packaging applications ensures that the moisture levels inside are maintained at optimum levels. The main advantage, if one is to opt for Indicating Silica Gels is that you will get to know instantly whether the Silica Gel is functioning properly or not. If one is using non-Indicating Silica Gel then it may be a long time before you get to know that the Silica Gel sachet has got saturated.

For the use of Silica Gel sachets to be proper, it is important to wok with reliable Silica Gel traders. Suppliers of Silica Gel Blue, green, orange and Pink must provide top-quality desiccants to companies so that effective moisture control is ensured. Sorbead India is one of the highest rated quality Silica Gel supplier in the country.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Preserving Your Foods with Oxygen Absorbers

What are Oxygen Absorbers?

Oxygen Absorbers are small sachets containing iron powder or ferrous oxide. They find great use across many industries, mainly food and beverages. The oxygen absorbers are manufactured in such a manner that it can absorb oxygen and moisture simultaneously but will not allow the iron powder or ferrous oxide to leak outside. The oxygen absorbers take in all the excess oxygen present in the packages containing food items, thus ensuring that proper oxygen levels are maintained. The presence of excess oxygen in food packages can spoil the food and make it inedible by the time it reaches its final destination. Another benefit of using oxygen absorbers is that it is not harmful for the packed food items as it does not react with the latter. It is for this reason that the oxygen absorbers are made available only in a sealed pouch.  

How do Oxygen Absorbers Function?

Oxygen Absorbers function using a simple chemical reaction. When placed in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, they will absorb all the excess oxygen. The ferrous oxide/iron powder will react with the absorbed oxygen and turn into rust. This process will continue till all the iron powder has been oxidized. When it stops, we can say that the oxygen absorber is fully loaded and will not absorb any more oxygen. The oxygen absorbers can be used more than once as they can be regenerated by the simple process of heating. 

How Oxygen Absorbers Preserve Food Items?

When oxygen absorbers are placed along side packed food items, they work to remove all traces of excess oxygen. After the oxygen is removed, the food items are in a nitrogen-filled atmosphere, which is ideal for the long shelf-life of the packed products. The oxygen absorber sachets are useful in preserving dry foods as well. It keeps them safe from insects and maintains their top-class product quality.

Placing an oxygen absorber sachet along side your packed food products will ensure that they are free from spoilage organisms like fungus, algae and molds. Oxygen absorbers also protect against aerobic pathogens. The use of oxygen absorbers also means that one need not use additives like BHA, BHT, sulfur dioxide, sorbates, and benzoates.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Twelve unusual uses of Silica Gel packets


Silica Gel packets are small sachets containing the silica gel desiccant, which are mainly used to remove all traces of moisture from closed packages. The presence of moisture/water vapour in the packets can lead to the substances kept inside getting spoilt. It is to prevent such occurrences that Silica Gel sachets are placed alongside the packed goods. They are most commonly found in shoe boxes, display item packages among others. People mostly throw away the Silica Gel sachets as they think that they are not useful. However, Silica Gel sachets have many uses, which most people are not aware of. Scroll down to know why the next time you should not throw away the Silica Gel packet and keep it for any of the below mentioned uses.

Twelve major uses of Silica Gel Packets

While there are many uses of Silica Gel packets, twelve of the most common ones are mentioned below:

1) Remove Smell from Old Books: Silica Gel sachets are very useful in removing the old rusty smell from books, which have been untouched for a long period of time. While some people like this smell, there are many others who are not comfortable with it. Placing Silica Gel sachets with the old books will be quite helpful.

2) Safeguard Cameras from Condensation: Many times when the cameras shift from cold environments to warmer ones, condensation can happen. This leaves marks on the lens and can affect the functioning of the camera. To prevent this from happening, place your camera parts along with Silica Gel sachets. This will remove all the extra moisture.
3) Keep Underwater Cameras Dry: Staying with cameras, Silica Gel is also very useful in protecting underwater cameras from condensation and fog developing on the camera lens.
4) Keep Travel Bags Moisture-Free: Placing some Silica Gel sachets in your travel bag ensures that all moisture/water vapour will be removed and the bag will remain humidity-free.
5) Help in Using Razor Blades for Long: Most razor blades get spoiled due to exposure to oxygen and moisture. One can safeguard against this by keeping the razor blades in a box filled with Silica Gel. Doing this will remove all the moisture present on the razor blades.
6) Keeps Craft Material Dry: Sewing and fabric material for craft work can be kept dry with help from a few Silica Gel sachets.
7) Medicines: Many types of medicines and vitamin tablets are prevented from getting spoilt by placing Silica Gel sachets alongside them, which removes all the moisture present.
8) Preserve Flowers: Flowers are known to wilt away in a few days. However, certain flowers, which are reminders of important occasions, can be preserved for longer periods of time by placing them along with Silica Gel sachets.
9) Maintain Moisture-Free Make-up: Placing Silica Gel sachets along with one's make-up items will ensure that they remain dry and free from moisture-related issues.
10) Preserve Important Documents: Silica Gel sachets can be placed alongside important documents to preserve them and safeguard them from moisture.
11) Keep Pet Food Fresh: When large amounts of pet food are kept for a long time, it can get soggy due to moisture. Placing some Silica Gel sachets near the soggy food will help remove the dampness.
12) Jewellery Items: Silica Gel sachets can also protect jewellery items from tarnishing as they will remove all the moisture from the jewellery box.